domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2012


Hi everyone,

Today I want to talk about my friends. The friends are a part very important of my life; also they are my family and love me, accompany me and make me very happy. 

I value to my friends who are in good and bad moments. I don’t know that qualities should to have a friend, because the people are different, but I guess the most important is that friends get along. I think that a good friend should to be unconditional.

I consider me an excellent friend; I have never betrayed a friend and I try to be always when my friends need me. I believe that the friendship is something beautiful that we should protect and respecting.

The true I don’t make friends easily, I have only friends of school and University, really I am shy when beginning a friendship. And I never have friends over the internet.

My best friends:

My mother: she is also my best friend, she is unconditional with me, she listen me, understand me and help me always. She knows everything about me, all my secrets. My mother is the best of world.

My boyfriend: he is my companion in this life, we lived together four years ago and we constructed a home. He besides of to be my boyfriend is a great friend, a good adviser.

Alexia, Maca, Bianca: They were my friends of high school, but now they are my friends of my life, ten years of friendship, in other words they are my friends of childhood. I think that they are the people that more know me, because we grew united.

The friendship is the best!

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012

In the future

Today I want to talk about my future job. Well I am studying childhood education, in the fifth year.  In this career of Education I’ve taken subjects as: psychology, sociology, curriculum, assessment and other classes related to different disciplines. In other words, the different areas that you need to know for be teacher. In the future I would like to study a Masters in psychology to complement it with my profession.

In the future I’d like to get a job as teacher in a rural school in the south of Chile, in a school where few children attend. I also like to work in a context where all of us first learn of the place we live in and of ourselves. In more free education, where children are the protagonists. In conclusion I’d love to have my own school and build a school curriculum in conjunction with the community.

When choosing a job I would consider primarily something that promotes a good quality of life for me and my family. Some aspects could be: good work atmosphere, Location, Salary (I don’t want a lot of money, just to live), but especially long vacation to rest. I hope to get a job with these characteristics or something similar.

About my strengths and weaknesses I could say that:  I have a lot of patience, I'm good at solving problems, I like learning new things, I'm good for teamwork, I am very confident in me and I don’t give up easily.  But about my weaknesses I could say that I'm messy, I despair with the routine, sometimes I'm very demanding with others, I am very honest to talk and sometimes I can be hurtful.


viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012

A green day


This week I will talk about the environmentally ambient. The people normally don't take conscience of the negative impact to our natural environment, this is a task of the schools and the culture of country. All time the people are self-concern but not of the world around us.

In my case, I decided change my normal style life and start recycling some things. For example: I began separating the crystals bottles and depositing them into specials containers used for the reusing the crystals and make other things.

Lamentably I don't have bike but I hope buy it the next year. Some times I prefer to walk when I need go to near places or when the distances are not very long.

I don't belong to any ecologic organizations because I haven’t opportunity but I would like. Also, in the future I would like create my own compost container to fertilize my own vegetables. It’s very easy work over this topic if you put together all the organic materials.

Actually existing very forms of living your life quiet and helping to environmentally ambient. One actual problem is the carbon footprint. The carbon footprint is the direct or indirect ambient impact that damage the Ozone. One form to decrease the carbon footprint is select products that not making a damage to the Ozone as spry products with toxic components. Other form is try to promote others forms of energy as the electricity with solar panels or try to decrease the use of vehicles that used Gas for moving. In my case I try to walk when my destination is not very long, I try to select ecologic products and in the future I will try to save money for buy solar panels.

I think that our society are wrong because not exist a strong culture respect to the negative impact over our natural ambient. It’s our mission learn and teach to our childrens about this important topics. In each time our planet is dead and the politic people only think that the money is more important than our planet. Actually is more important fill with stupid publicity about your vote, instead of taking care of the paper.

viernes, 12 de octubre de 2012

Books and Literature

Today I speak about my relationship with the book and literature. I just read from time to time, I read only when I have free time. But I like to read and I would like to have more time to read.

When I was a child read a lot, because at my school was a must read a book monthly. I remember some books that I read in my childhood that I loved as: some Papelucho, Bibiana y su  mundo, Donde vuelan los dóndores, La vida simplemente, El principito, Harry Potter and others.

My favorite sort of book is novels; I like novels relaxed that make me think about things of the life. Really I like fiction and non-fiction, I do not care, I care only that the book is entertaining.

The last book I read was “Tinta roja” of Alberto Fuguet, it was relaxed reading and really I enjoyed reading. I took two weeks to read this book; I read a while in the afternoons last summer. The book tells the life of a journalist that work on a newspaper. I recommend this book to anyone who wants to enjoy a relaxing novel.

Bye !